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Nymph Fleshlight texture review (Lena Paul)
Nymph is Lena Paul’s exclusive pussy Fleshlight texture. Lena joined the Fleshlight Girls in October 2018. She also has a second Fleshlight texture called Ritual. Ritual is a butt Fleshlight, which features Lena’s butthole as its orifice and a tightly packed texture.
Nymph comes with Lena Paul’s pussy as its orifice and is available with the classic Fleshlight Girls case. Next to its orifice the sleeve shows Lena’s very own signature. The texture itself is a highly diverse combination of various novel bumps in a rather spacious canal.
Exciting and novel from start to finish
Lena Nymph provides a ton of variety. It is completely filled with smaller and novel bumps that change every few inches of the canal. The result is an exciting combination of unseen structures, which create an extremely rich stimulation with moderate intensity.
Croissant bumps or moon nubs?
Nymph begins immediately after passing Lena Paul’s labia with its first novel structure. It is a large bump in the shape of a croissant or a crescent moon. There’s a whole lot of them distributed over a 3 inches (7.5 cm) long chamber. These special bumps sit on five cross ribs that are placed with equidistant gaps between them. Each of the bumps is bent on both ends, which gives it this specific shape. In the center these bumps are 0.4 inches (1 cm) wide. Every second row has its bumps turned by 180 degrees. Therefore, the first, third and fifth rows have their ends facing towards the end of the sleeve, whereas the second and fourth row have them face the orifice. Between the ribs and bumps are many gaps in all kinds of shapes, making it an uneven surface for the penis.
Because the bumps are almost 0.2 inches (0.5 cm) high, the diameter is somewhere between 1 inch and 0.6 inches (1.5 – 2.5 cm) within this chamber. The structures create a very welcoming and pleasant rubbing. While the diameter is somewhat narrow between the structures, its spacious gaps provide a lot of room for the penis. So, the sensation is not very intense but more a pleasurable stimulation.
Ramp-like constriction with bumpy tongue
Up next is a pleasant constriction. It consists of a broad cross ribs with a sharp edge that has wide bumps lying on top of it. The bumps look like ramps with a longer slope on the side of the orifice and a steeper one on the other side of the bump. We have already seen similar structures in Crush. But the model used in Nymph features wider gaps between these ramps.
Because on the far side are additional novel bumps. These 1.2 inches (3 cm) long structures look like huge pills with smaller rounded nubs on top of them. They stick out of the cross rib like a ribbed tongue waiting to lick all over your best part.
This interesting section creates a nice combination of a narrow path with strong stimulation and a wider more detailed part with a pleasantly firm rubbing. The change in diameter plays well with different selection of structures, switching the empty spaces of one side of the rib with powerful structures on the other side.
Long & sharp versus round & pointy
The final part of Lena Paul’s Nymph consists of a 2.6 inches (6.5 cm) long section of intensive structures (plus one very thick cross rib at the end). These structures come in two kinds. One is a round and pointy nub and the other one is a long stretched oval bump with a sharp edge on its top that lies crosswise in the canal. These two structures appear simultaneously, right next to each other in six rows. But each subsequent row there are slightly shifted in counterclockwise direction, so that the whole composition gets a slight spin, creating a vortex of some sort.
While the structures themselves are very intense, the diameter within this section is 1.2 inches (3 cm) wide, which counteracts the intensity. Therefore, you can feel the single elements rubbing firmly along the penis, while the overall stimulation is moderate. The bumpy surface of the canal creates a soft vibration when you rush over the ridges of the bumps. At the very end is an almost 0.4 inches (1 cm) wide cross-rib, which finalizes the impressively diverse sensation that Lena Paul’s Nymph is.
Variety, interesting bumps and moderate intensity
Nymph is a pleasant and exciting texture with a ton of variety. Its interesting bumps are paired with simpler ribs and a rather wide diameter. The structures provide a pleasant but moderate intensity, which leads to longer sessions and a consistent sensation. It relies on larger parts with repeating bumps and sprinkles in a unique constriction within the middle. The composition of Nymph makes the texture recommendable for all kinds of lengths and girths.
Slow cleaning but quick drying time
Cleaning the pussy texture of Lena Paul takes some time. The high number of gaps and its bent shapes make residues stick to it. Especially the first section is very prone to these. When you finally get everything out, you will be surprised by the rather quick drying time, though. Because the wide diameter will aid you in this regard.
Nymph – novel, diverse and pleasant
Nymph is not going to shock you with incredible intensity or super narrow paths. Instead it focuses on a rich and consistent experience to give you a long-lasting sensation and strong orgasms. Its few chambers are very symmetrical but still offer unique and novel structures. Nymph will be a great addition to your collection and a reliable provider of pleasant sensations.
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Effet d'aspiration...........................50
Consommation de lubrifiants...........................50
Noter "Nymph"
Effet d'aspiration
Consommation de lubrifiants
22.5 cm
20-30 cm
Lena Paul Nymph