Fleshlight Nipple Alley sleeve review (Riley Steele)

Nipple Alley is the exclusive Lady texture of porn star Riley Steele. That makes it only available with her accurately recreated pussy and her signature. The Nipple Alley texture had its debut in May 2010 and is therefore one of the early Fleshlight Girls textures.

Next to the classic nacre colored Girls version the case to Nipple Alley is also available in the Pirates edition. This golden case is reserved for a few actresses that participated in the Pirates porn.

Before Nipple Alley there were already two other textures with a very similar structure. These are the Speed Bump texture of the Classics series and the very well-known Stamina Training Unit. All three textures make use of only bumps, but the implementation of the bumps differs between the textures. Nipple Alley uses a special kind of bumps, that is to say they have small nipples on them!

Bumps with nipples

A lot of this Fleshlight texture reminds me of Speed Bump. A long straightforward canal. Many bumps. No chambers. But all commonalities aside, Nipple Alley has one big advantage: special bumps! But let’s not get ahead of ourselves.

Only one chamber

As common for early Fleshlights Riley Steele’s texture utilizes a 1-chamber system. This chamber starts just behind the opening hole and stretches to the far end of the texture. The diameter of the canal is with 0.6-0.7 inches (1,6-1,8 cm) relatively wide. Even though the canal stays consistently wide, the first few parts of an inch are a bit narrower because the corridor is still opening up.

The special bumps

The whole inside is covered with a multitude of big rounded bumps. They have their own very special shape, because they look like small nipples. Each and every one of these miniature nipples still has a diameter of 0.6 inches (1,5 cm). The composition of them is at first just like a regular bump. Instead of a smooth rounding on top, they have much smaller bumps sitting on top of them. This combination creates the perfect nipple look.

Respectively three of these nipples form a ring. There are 23 rings. As a result the total is 69 nipple bumps. They are placed in a manner, so that every second row is slightly offset, creating a dense bump landscape.

In reality these slightly pointy bumps produce a much more intense pressure on the penis head. The result is a much stronger stimulation as with the comparable Speed Bump texture. The intensity lasts the whole time because the bumps are evenly distributed over the whole inner surface. You won’t find a lesser intensive section to rest.


Great orgasms and easy cleaning

It comes without surprise that Nipple Alley is a highly popular texture. The orgasm sensation that develops in this sleeve is great. Unfortunately the very monotone layout does not offer a lot of variation. The low needed cleaning effort balances that out though. All in all it is a highly recommended texture for men that look for consistent intensity!

Vue de la caméra intérieure de Nipple Alley
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9 Examens
show details
  • Intensité
  • Stimulation
  • Pénétration
  • étanchéité
  • Effet d'aspiration
  • Réalisme
  • Variété
  • Orgasme
  • Volume
  • Consommation de lubrifiants
  • Nettoyage
  • séchage


Length 8.9 in
Diameter 0.63-0.71 in

Riley Steele

Alias -

Riley Steele
"Riley Steele 2010" by Toglenn - Own work. Licensed under CC BY-SA 3.0 via Wikimedia Commons.
  • Aug 26, 1987
  • American
  • Caucasian
  • 5 ft 7 ins (1.7 m)
  • 115 lbs (52 kg)
  • 34-32-37


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