Fleshlight Cougar sleeve review (Nina Hartley)

Cette texture a été abandonnée et ne sera probablement plus vendue.

Cougar is Nina Hartley’s exclusive and signed pussy insert. The name was chosen specifically for her, as one of the best known and most successful erotic actress. The already over 50-year-old Hartley is one of the biggest M.I.L.F. porn stars existing. Therefore, Cougar fits her profile perfectly, being always on the hunt for younger men.

Her Fleshlight impresses with a simple design, that still provides top out-put in intensity and stimulation. It is also uncommon for textures like Cougar, that it is very easy to clean and dry after the fun.


The texture of Cougar completely builds upon a simple, but highly structures one-chamber scheme. Within this single corridor are cross-ribs and bumps, that are placed in a consistent pattern. The cross-ribs create three-fourths of a circle and stretch, from the viewpoint of the opening, from the top to the right side and finally to the bottom. These C shaped ribs have a flat surface and start after about 0.6 inches (15 mm) into the sleeve. There is a total of 25 c-ribs in Cougar.

On the right hand side of the channel are big half-round bumps, placed in a constant interval. Each of these bumps has a diameter of 0.2 inches (5 mm). Beginning at the first cross-rib a total of 13 big bumps are placed inside Cougar. Although the bumps are big they do not stick very far into the canal. Additionally, they have more or less flat top.

Cougar is generally a wider texture with a diameter of about 0.7-0.8 inches (18-20 mm), depending on whether you measure between the bumps and ribs or the spaces in between. Even though the structure can’t build a lot of sideways pressure through this buildup, the texture elements provide a strong stimulation. So no worries that the texture could be too soft.

Another advantage of the simple composition is the easy and short timed cleaning process. The Cougar texture is easy to flush trough and dries quickly, saving a lot of time for regular users.

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7 Examens
show details
  • Intensité
  • Stimulation
  • Pénétration
  • étanchéité
  • Effet d'aspiration
  • Réalisme
  • Variété
  • Orgasme
  • Volume
  • Consommation de lubrifiants
  • Nettoyage
  • séchage


Length 8.9 in
Diameter 0.71-0.79 in

Nina Hartley

Alias Nina Hartly, Nina Hartman, Nina Hartwell

  • Mar 11, 1959
  • American
  • Caucasian
  • 5 ft 4 ins (1.63 m)
  • 130 lbs (59 kg)
  • 36D-24-36


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