Tasty Fleshlight texture review (Elsa Jean)

Tasty is the pussy texture of Fleshlight Girls’ July addition Elsa Jean. She is a young and petite porn actress with an already impressive record of accredited scenes. She became a Fleshlight Girl in July 2018 accompanied by two new and exclusive textures. Tasty is the lady texture featuring her tender pussy as its orifice.

Her second texture is called Treat and because it is an anal texture, naturally, has her butt as its orifice. That one provides intensive and tight passages with visually pleasing structures. It has novel combinations of elements from start to finish, a truly unique anal Fleshlight experience.

Tasty on the other hand relies on a good mix of novel structures and established stimulation elements. Even though both textures are very different in terms of their structures their characteristics a very similar. They both provide a high intensity with great stimulation and a relatively narrow canal diameter.

Now let’s dive into Elsa Jean’s tasty pussy Fleshlight…

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Four uneven sections

Tasty is split into four very different sections. While they all follow a rule of repeating patterns, the structures they utilize could not be more uneven. It starts with a rib-only section, followed by the most exceptional passage consisting of bumps, nubs and tight corridors. Then a huge spiral leads into the last chamber consisting of a textured wall. Most of the time the canal diameter is very low up to only 0.4 inches (1cm).

Cross ribs in the beginning

Right after Elsa Jean’s pussy the penis is welcomed by four tender but also tight cross ribs. The diameter within these ribs is only 0.4 inches (1 cm) and as such already at its tightest level for this texture. While this whole first chamber of Tasty is only 1.4 inches (3.5 cm) long it already starts off with a pleasantly intense rubbing sensation. The narrow ribs immediately create a sensual stimulation while the penis rushes through these constrictions.

While it is a good start in terms of stimulation, the first chamber of Elsa’s pussy Fleshlight is also its least exciting one. Luckily it is already followed by the most intensive and tight structures of Tasty.

Long chamber filled with novel combinations

This chamber is filled by three rows of exciting bumps. Each row consists of multiple pairs of round nubs and rectangular bumps. These bumps have sloped sides and a straight edge on top. The order of these two parts of each pair switches with each neighboring pair, but is the same for all pairs of the different rows on one line. As a result each of the round nubs is surrounded by rectangular bumps and vice versa. Between each of the three rows is only a small gap.

Each pair of nubs and bumps measures 0.6 inches (1.5 cm) in length and 0.2 inches (0.5 cm) in width. The whole chamber has a length of 2.6 inches (6.5 cm). The diameter varies between 0.4 inches (1 cm) and 0.8 inches (2 cm).

The combination of intensive and firm structures paired with a tight canal creates an exceptional stimulation. Its intensity remains on a steady high level throughout the span of this quite long chamber. As such this second part of Tasty makes a substantial contribution to the overall satisfaction of this texture.

Long ribs with a twist

But the intense and pleasant stimulation is not over yet. Around the middle of the Tasty texture the third chamber starts and it houses an impressive rib vortex. The whole section is 2.4 inches (6 cm) long. In it reside wide and thick longitudinal ribs that stretch through the complete chamber. These ribs are twisted in counterclockwise direction.

But the vortex has even more to offer, because in the middle of the section the diameter significantly drops, creating an artificial constriction within this spiral. This constriction is 0.6 inches (1.5 cm) long and wide, whereas the rest of the vortex has a diameter of very wide 1.2 inches (3 cm).

Due to its large structures the twisted spiral creates a firm rubbing sensation, while its narrow middle adds a pleasant penetration experience. The high edges of the large ribs glide along the penis on its way through the chamber, stroking every inch of it. The varying diameter pleasantly increases and decreases the intensity along the way. This part of Elsa Jean’s Tasty Fleshlight provides an extremely powerful stimulation. In order to make the most of this structure you should use slow strokes through the whole chamber.

Bubbly nubs to finish the texture

The vortex leads without further transition directly into the final section of Tasty. It is a 1.8 inches (4.5 cm) long straightforward canal with a diameter of 0.8 inches (2 cm). The only structures within this chamber are relatively flat, round nubs in various sizes. They start with an impressive diameter of 0.4 inches (1 cm) and then decrease in size with each further row until their diameter is only half that much. While these bumps generally create a pleasant rubbing sensation, they are hardly perceptible within this chamber. This is first due to their size being quite small after the first two rows, but most importantly because their stimulation just cannot match the intense previous spiral. These intensive ribs simply numb your penis for such small structures.

While the structures add only little value to the perceived intensity and stimulation of the whole texture, they still serve a great purpose. Because they give you a short break from the intense rubbing of the large vortex ribs, making you last longer against these intensive structures.

Before the Tasty comes to an end there are also two more negative cross ribs. They do not stick into the inside of the canal, but rather give way to the outside, creating a similar but more gentle stimulation. But since they are so far into the texture and are very small they do not effectively add to the experience of Elsa’s pussy texture.

Tight, intense and full of novel surprises

Tasty starts with great stimulation, tight passages and intensive structures. It also keeps these traits for most of its texture. Only within the last chamber its characteristics change towards a more gentle and pleasant experience. Therefore the texture is well-suited for lovers of a more intense Fleshlight adventure. Because these intensive and also more interesting structures are all closer to the orifice, the texture is also very well suited for men with a shorter penis. Tasty is one of the few textures that starts off with its most exciting features but forgives a lack of length towards the end. Still, if you make it towards and through the final chamber the better for you.

The high amount of structures and the narrow diameter also do not provide larger air pockets, so the suction effect is only moderate. The spiral within the center on the other hand provides a great penetration sensation.

Tightness means - harder to clean and takes longer to dry

The biggest disadvantage of highly structures and super narrow textures is that they are harder to clean. The gaps between the ribs and bumps provide space where residues can stick to and be left behind. Therefore you should thoroughly clean the Fleshlight after use and not just rely on a quick rinse. The second part of cleaning is drying. This also takes more time than on average due to the narrow canal, especially for the first two chambers.


Tasty – wonderful combination of novelty and stimulation

Elsa Jean’s Tasty is a great pussy Fleshlight. It combines the highly structured characteristic of typical Fleshlight Girls textures with a gripping tightness and novel elements. Due to its focus on the earlier chambers is it very well suited for shorter penises, without neglecting all the other ones. A great quality texture for a young and petite porn star.

Widok kamery wewnętrznej z Tasty
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3 Recenzje
show details
  • Intensywność pomocy
  • Stymulacja
  • Penetracja
  • szczelność
  • Efekt ssania
  • Realizm
  • Odmiana
  • Orgazm
  • Tom
  • Zużycie środków smarnych
  • Sprzątanie
  • suszenia


Length 22.5 cm
Diameter 10-30 cm

Elsa Jean

Alias Molly, Elsa Dream, Elsa, Elsa Dream Jean

Elsa Jean
  • Sep 1, 1996
  • American
  • Caucasian
  • 5 ft 3 ins (1.6 m)
  • 101 lbs (46 kg)
  • 32A-24-28


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