Bump-N-Grind Fleshlight sleeve review (Misty Stone)

Bump-N-Grind is Misty Stones only exclusive Fleshlight texture. It is special because ILF adjusts the color of the sleeve to the skin tone of the respective porn star and Misty Stone is the only African-American star with her own Fleshlight. There are also other textures of Misty Stone:

Though, Bump-N-Grind is the only one that is exclusively available in a brown tone. Of course it also features the unique pussy mold of Misty and her signature.

The specialty of Misty’s Bump-N-Grind is the two vortices and the highly structured transition passages between them. This Fleshlight texture holds realism in high regard and provides a pleasant stimulation.

Two vortex chambers and detailed transitions

Bump-N-Grind consists of two big chambers that feature a vortex each. They are not newly invented but have already appeared in the older Vortex texture. Between those chambers there are soft transitions that are formed by cross ribs and bump rings.

The transition to the first chamber

Through Misty Stone’s vagina you reach into the texture. First, a straight path begins in the 0.8 inches (2 cm) wide corridor. Shortly after that the penis reaches the first ring consisting of 0.2 inches (0,5 cm) wide round bumps. They are relatively flat and therefore only produce a minor stimulation. The ring consists of 6 of these round bumps. It is followed by the first cross rib. It is only few parts of an inch deep and creates only a slight constriction. Subsequently another bump ring comes next. After that the first actual chamber begins.

The first vortex chamber and the central transition

It consists of a big vortex. In its center the diameter of the canal measures an extremely wide 1.4 inches (3,5 cm). The vortex consists just as in the Vortex texture of 6 longitudinal ribs. They start turned in clockwise direction. Each rib has a width of about 0.2 inches (0,5 cm), which is also width of the gap between the ribs. After about 1.2 inches (3 cm) the ribs abruptly change direction and turn in counterclockwise direction. At the point where the change happens a right-angled bend is left. From that point on they also stretch for another 1.2 inches (3 cm) deeper into Bump-N-Grind. The end of the chamber is accompanied by another bump ring. Just like the ones we saw before. It is followed by another cross rib and yet another bump ring.

The second vortex chamber and the final transition

Then you are already in the second chamber with the typical whirl. The only difference to the section before is that this time the diameter is only 1 inch (2,5 cm). Other than that the cross ribs form the same structure as in the other vortex chamber. At its end there are two bump rings and no cross rib.

The last half inch the corridor tightens significantly to 0.6 inches (1,5 cm). Though there are no structures anymore at this part of the texture. It also marks the end of Bump-N-Grind after two big vortex chambers, 7 bump rings and 3 cross ribs.

The pleasant vortex chambers also have one disadvantage. They are quite hard to keep clean. It is easy for residues to be left behind in the gaps between the single ribs. These spots should be taken extra care of. You should also plan a longer time for the sleeve to dry.

Bump-N-Grind – realistic and pleasant stimulation

Misty Stone’s exclusive Fleshlight creates a very soulful and also realistic sex impression. The structures are very pleasant in stimulation without being too intensive. It does not feature real constrictions, only a handful of cross ribs reduce the diameter from time to time, providing some penetration sensation. The big chambers produce a good vacuum and the resulting suction effect. Bump-N-Grind is primarily a realistic and pleasant texture for the first chocolate-colored Fleshlight.

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11 Beoordelingen
show details
  • Intensiteit
  • Stimulatie
  • Penetratie
  • krapte
  • Zuigeffect
  • Realisme
  • Verscheidenheid
  • Orgasme
  • Volume
  • Smeermiddelenverbruik
  • Schoonmaken
  • Droogtijd


Length 22.5 cm
Diameter 15-18 cm

Misty Stone

Alias Jenny Stone, Misty

Misty Stone
"Misty Stone 2010" by Toglenn - Own work. Licensed under CC BY-SA 3.0 via Wikimedia Commons.
  • Mar 26, 1986
  • American
  • Black
  • 5 ft 5 ins (1.65 m)
  • 121 lbs (55 kg)
  • 32A-25-35


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